
Holy balls! Metallica's latest single, "Lux Æterna," rocks my world! You gotta check this out!

This proves that even the elder statesmen of metal can still shred! Like this was ever in question. It's so cool.

Screen Shot 2022-11-28 at 4.43.32 PM

I can't wait until their new album is released in April 2023.

And I would love to take Nathan to the concert, although I get the feeling it's going to be prohibitively expensive.

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MaMo 2022.40...

Nov 28
There are supposed to be 52 weeks in the year, translating to 52 Macro Monday posts. Here we are in the final week of November and I'm only up to post #40? Yeah, I've missed a few here and there,...
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Libroqueue 2022.12…

Nov 30
It’s cold. Damn cold. I need a blanket, a cup of hot coffee, and a book. See you next spring! Here’s what I planned to read in November: J.W. Ocker's The United States of Cryptids Ben Aaronovitch's Midnight Riot Kevin...


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Kevin Spencer

Song great, video great, and announced a new album and tour!


Win, win, win, and win!

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