One of my favorite place to browse in the world is the Withdrawn racks at our library. These are the media that have been pulled off the shelves and would wind up either as donations or dust collectors.
Instead, my library, and many others, try to resell them even if for just a buck or two.
There are hundreds of offerings on our Withdrawn racks and I almost always find something, especially a gem or two amongst the graphic novels.
But today, I found seven!
The stack includes Kieron Gillen’s Phonogram, volumes 1 & 2; Brian Michael Bendis’ Takio; Frank Miller’s Sin City: Family Values; and a variety of David Mack’s Kabuki books (faves of mine dating back to grad school).
The savings that can be had by shopping the Withdrawn racks can be immense. You see that Kabuki: Metamorphosis in the top row, second spot? The cover price on that alone is $24.95.
I love my library.
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