
At some point in the past that I cannot find anymore, I wrote about how my wife and I like to take stickers and put them inside our phone cases to spice them up a bit. But we don’t peel the backs off so we can swap them out easily with no case damage.

We haven’t done this with our new phones because we got MagSafe cases for charging that have a giant white ring and smaller white “pill” on the back of the case where the sticker would otherwise show through.

The sticker had to either be perfect or at least good enough that the charging ring wouldn’t be a detriment to how it displays. I may have found that sticker. At least I think I did? But I need some of your insight on my choice.

This is Rintrah, a Minotaur from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. He is a sorcerer like Stephen Strange. And this sticker is just such a cute rendering that I had to do it.

My concern, though, is that the placement of the pill-shaped piece of the charging ring is, um, unfortunate.


Does it look like Rintrah has a giant white Minotaur dong?

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