I work with a bunch of video game junkies. We have an entire interest channel in Slack dedicated to videogaming. I follow the channel and participate a little bit here and there. But I'm not much of a gamer so I don't contribute to it to quite the same degree that some people do.
But it's certainly a learning experience hearing about all these new games and just shaking your head with shock at the degree of creativity built into some of them.
Or, if you're like me, you share articles with people about how terrible the quality control is on these games. Yeah, I'm that guy... the one who finds an article featuring reviews of the games some of these people talk about and share some of the choice comments left on the articles. It does make for some funnies during the day.
I digress.
Earlier today, a friend noted in Slack that there was a new Pokemon-esque game coming out called Cassette Beasts. By all accounts, it sounds like it would be a fun game.
But I just can't get over the name and the fact that anytime I read it, all I can think of is...
Soundwave 4eva!
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