Libroqueue 2023.07…

There is absolutely zero consistency to my reading habits. One month I frontload it, the next it’s backloaded, and this month was so spread thin that I wasn’t sure anything would get done. But I managed a few.

Here’s what I planned to read in June:

  • Cliff Chiang’s Catwoman: Lonely City, issues 1-4
  • Jeff Lemire’s Swamp Thing: Green Hell, issues 1-3
  • Regine M. Gilbert’s Inclusive Design for a Digital World: Designing with Accessibility in Mind
  • Jade Song’s Chlorine
  • Nick Medina’s Sisters of the Lost Nation

Here’s what I actually read…

  • Cliff Chiang’s Catwoman: Lonely City, issues 1-4
  • Jeff Lemire’s Swamp Thing: Green Hell, issues 1-3
  • Regine M. Gilbert’s Inclusive Design for a Digital World
  • Jade Song’s Chlorine

Lost Nation never happened because the library hasn’t gotten in a copy yet despite me having it on hold for more than a month. I’m not sure it’s ever gonna happen, at this rate.

My work professional development book club decided at the last second to read Kim Malone Scott’s Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity, so I had to fit that one in there. But I’m only a quarter of the way through. Just can’t focus on it.

For July, I will read/finish:

Kim Malone Scott’s Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity


T.J. Klune’s The House in the Cerulean Sea


Joshua Williamson’s Robin: The Lazarus Tournament


Jeff Lemire’s Little Monsters, vol. 1…


Mike Mignola’s B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth, vols. 1 & 2…


I need to get back on a cadence if I hope to finish all these. 

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Jun 29
I saw this on the racks at my LCS. I can’t explain why, but the combination of the cover art, the title, and the writer (James Tynion IV) made this a must-buy for me. Here’s hoping it lives up to...
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Jun ‘23…

Jul 1
Nothing quite like a vacation to make you feel like you skipped half the month! Music Play More random albums. There may have been one or two others but they weren’t really memorable. Beach Fossils Bunny Lektron Dirty Jacks EP...


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