Wanna hear something trippy? Nathan just randomly decided to start watching the old 80s sitcom ALF. And he’s digging it.


I have no idea how he discovered it or why he wanted to watch it but why not? It’s a first for me as well. Katie used to watch it when she was a kid but I never did except maybe an odd episode or two.

So weird. 

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I actually got one of my books done! It’s the one I’d been reading for longer. About a month, in fact. It’s also the one that was for my work book club. The professional development book club, not the fun,...
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Very briefly tonight, we had tornado sirens sound near our house. They ended almost immediately and all the storm clouds blew past. After several minutes, I went outside to watch the clouds. All the storm clouds pushed south and east...


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Interesting concept!


Is this your first introduction to the show?

Marty Mankins

I loved ALF and always thought it was clever and funny. Cool Nathan found it (it's on YouTube and Pluto TV for free)


Yeah, I think he also found it on YouTube because I heard it playing through his iPad the other day.

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