Jun ‘23…

Nothing quite like a vacation to make you feel like you skipped half the month! 

Music Play

More random albums. There may have been one or two others but they weren’t really memorable.


 Beach Fossils


Dirty Jacks


The Reanimators
Reanimating Time 

Camera Play

Every day! Check them out on Instagram.

Word Play 

Only four books this month but I’m okay with that!


Fitness Play

Only 10 days, which is actually about five better than I thought I did. That really says nothing about my fitness goals. 

Blog Play

Still not 100%, but only by missing two days earlier in the month! 

Purge Play

A lot of garage donations from when we redid the workbench and wall hangars around it. Felt good.

Update Play

This is it!

And we’re officially on the back nine of 2023.

Previous Post

Libroqueue 2023.07…

Jun 30
There is absolutely zero consistency to my reading habits. One month I frontload it, the next it’s backloaded, and this month was so spread thin that I wasn’t sure anything would get done. But I managed a few. Here’s what...
Next Post


Jul 2
I know we signed Nathan up for saxophone and summer band camp and all the accoutrements the other day (and paid the bill), but it wasn’t until Amazon made a delivery today that it really started to feel real… Yeah,...


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