
It’s always fun to discover that you have a leaky pipe in your house causing damage to lord only knows what.

Yup. I was getting ready to start my day when I heard a dripping sound in the utility closet next to my desk. And it wasn’t stopping. So I checked it out and found dripping coming from the ceiling behind and above our water heater.


What’s gonna make this even more fun is where this is located. I know I said “behind and above our water heater,” but let me show you what that area looks like.


This plumber better be a gnome.

The designer of our house was sadistic. 

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Mar 11
It has been a good five years since I’ve read a Star Wars book. Back when I was reviewing books for GeeksofDoom.com, I became the de facto Star Wars book reviewer and, with how often they are published, I got...
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Mar 13
In anticipation of the plumber coming in to check out the leak in our utility closet, I decided to do some cleaning of the house. But since I was also working, I had to implement what I call “firecleaning.” This...


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Welcome to my world. $14,000 later and I'm still not finished. And of course insurance does nothing because all the damage wasn't "sudden."

Kevin Spencer

Sorry mate. Be a homeowner they said, the American dream they said. I’m with you in the $$$ for home repair department.


It’s ridiculous. And the “tax savings” cannot possibly outweigh the expense of maintenance and emergency work.

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