
Admittedly, many birds are majestic the way they seemingly float on the air, the speed and control they achieve when swooping in for the kill, and just how beautiful they can be.

This is not all birds, though.

Whichever birds have been visiting me this morning in my backyard are just dumb. How, you ask? Well, we have large picture windows high up in our vaulted living room. We have nothing on them at all… not even shades. And birds fly into them regularly. I get that. It looks like a big pathway through which they should be able to traverse. So we’ve debated covering them both for protection of the birds and our windows.

This morning, however, I’ve had birds repeatedly flying into our lower windows, patio doors, and kitchen window which are all blocked by some combination of blinds, shades, and gel clings. There are all sorts of items indicating that this is not a clear path. But I’ve had no less than eight bird strikes in an hour’s time against these windows and doors. Nothing on the normal target windows at all. Or, for all I know, it’s been one bird eight times thinking each time that the next will be successful.


[image courtesy of Active Wild]


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Apr 8
Much as I expected, the 2024 solar eclipse came and went with a whimper, to be honest. It just… was. And, yet, after all of that, people were still saying it was the greatest thing they had ever encountered. I...
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Apr 10
Okay, so this is a few days late, but it cracks me up to no end. He is such a dipshit.


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