Gotta admit this week’s SNL was pretty decent. Honestly, any episode with Ryan Gosling is gold, but this one…

“Close Encounter” cold open with Kate McKinnon…

Monologue with Emily Blunt…

“Get That Boy Back” with Chris Stapleton…

Caitlin Clark on Weekend Update…

Gosling and Mikey Day as Beavis & Butt-head…

And an online only update to the classic “Papyrus” sketch…

Why can’t it always be this good?

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Apr 13
While my step count goal is gonna look like 💩 at my end-of-the-month check in, that will be offset by one great thing… so far this month, I’ve been to the gym every weekday morning. I’m happy about that because...
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Apr 15
Nathan’s buddy came over after school today to hang out. About an hour into their time, Nate came down to make a bag of microwave popcorn because they decided to watch a movie. I didn’t think twice about it. Then...


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Kevin Spencer

When Kate McKinnon is on, she's ON. Anyone in a sketch with her is going to have a hard time not breaking.


Her crawling around between Gosling’s legs was too much. 🤣🤣

Marty Mankins

That Beavis and Butt-head skit was so funny. One of the funniest in years.


I have watched it so many times!

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