
Nate was at a birthday party for a friend and they had a petting zoo in the backyard as part of the festivities.

No, it did not wind up like Mrs. Doubtfire.

But it did wind up like this…


The kid’s mom texted me this photo and I replied with, “Nope, that’s not my son.”

She clarified that he held it for about five seconds and then said, “Take it back.”

Yup, it is my kid after all. 

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Jun 2
We went to the library yesterday to sign up for the summer reading challenge. I walked up to the table and announced our intentions, she said hi, and then she started typing in her laptop. “I have accounts here for...
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Jun 4
I am always 100% on board for new Alien lore. Not just any alien, but our big, black, acid-blooded, double-mouthed, elongated-skull xenomorph and her little face-hugging minions. And we are being gifted a standalone film featuring these not-so-gentle giants this...


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