
Did you know that sometimes, on iOS and iPadOS, when you delete an app, you don’t always delete an app? It’s still there. Or maybe this is just for me.

I discovered this today when I looked on my iPad and saw a notification from Prodigy, an early childhood learning app that Nate used back in first grade at the start of the pandemic (for context, he’s starting sixth grade this fall).

We had downloaded it to his iPad, and since he has a child account under my Apple ID, anything he gets, I get on my iPad by default. When we no longer needed the app, I deleted it from both iPads. This was years ago.


I scoured my Home Screen and all App groups I’d created and there was nothing amiss at all. No Prodigy. But when I used the Search function, there it was and, when I tapped the search result, it loaded the app right up as though it was on my iPad this whole time.

But it shouldn’t have been.

Best I can tell, that App Library feature they introduced some time ago — when you swipe as far from the right from your Home Screen as you possibly can — had loaded it into some of their suggestion folders, so it was still there.


Along with Seesaw, Elf Yourself, some Roblox skins app, and a couple others we deleted seemingly forever ago. And all of them still showed up in my Notifications settings as well.

So I deleted them from the App Library view and they were automatically removed from Notifications as well. So I think this is taken care of?

But, seriously, what kind of crap is that? When you delete, it should be GONE. Forever. Terminated. 

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