My favorite band, Japandroids, which has been on hiatus since around 2018, just announced their new album, Fate & Alcohol, will be released on October 18, 2024. They dropped the first single as well, “Chicago,” a title I wholly approve.
But they also took the occasion of this album announcement to say that this will be the final album from Japandroids.
C’mon, guys! There’s only two of you! Are you really saying you’re never gonna work together again?? That can’t be!
Just getting together and drinking some beer and noodling on drums and guitar would constitute a band session! For that to never happen again implies you two can’t stand each other. And you just finished an album together so that can’t be the case.
Let’s just take some time and think this through rationally. Come back after we’ve cooled off a bit.
Can we?
And, no, the irony of using an infamous Darth Vader “Noooo” is not lost on me given Vader was played physically by David Prowse and the Japandroids’ drummer, at left in the photo above, is also named David Prowse.
I was wondering where they had gone to. Good to hear they are coming back with a new album. But sad to hear it will be their last.
Posted by: Marty Mankins | Monday, 22 July 2024 at 10:53 AM
It’s just brutal news.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 22 July 2024 at 04:10 PM