We went to the pool today. It was a brief visit due to storms that decided to come crashing through from out of nowhere. But it was almost briefer for me.
I’m usually in the pool playing with Nathan. We play games that border on mild rough housing. Nothing bad and certainly not lie many of the kids there. But it’s enough that when Nathan briefly swims away, I tend to float in the water to relax.
Well, I may not do that much anymore.
I was laying there in the pool face-up, completely contented. I had goggles on that I wear nearly every time I’m in the pool because I have contact lenses on so I can see and, as I said, Nate and I rough house. So I wear them to keep from losing my lenses. But, with the goggles on, you can’t tell if my eyes are open or closed.
Suddenly I hear someone calling from a little ways away, “Buddy! Are you okay?” At first, I didn’t think it was for me, so I ignored it. But when I heard him a second time, I looked up. It was the lifeguard manager and he was, indeed, looking my way.
“Oh thank God!” he said. “Sorry, man. You weren’t moving and I can’t see your eyes so I didn’t know if you were okay. I nearly had a heart attack.”
“Next time, just move your arms every so often so we know you’re alive.”
More joy.
That’s me. Dead dude in water. Grab the fish hook.
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