Duke 2…

Remember the Tiger Force Duke redesign project? It has started. It’s slower than I’d like, but I hope that means the end product will be quality.

Here are the legs and pelvis pieces…


I’m still waiting for the head to arrive from China – I really need to find a more local source of quality-designed 3D printed heads – and I plan to start on the upper body this week.

Oh, and I did start the repainting of the Hobie Brown head for Nate.


Still have some touch ups on the hair and detail work to go and the face needs a second coat, but I’m much happier with the end result so far.

Read Duke 1 and Hobie 1

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Aug 9
Oh. My. Gods. Star Wars: Outlaws looks like such an amazing game! I want to play it so badly!! Check out this trailer… But can I ever play it? Nope. It’s only coming out on PC, PlayStation 5, and X-Box....
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Aug 11
How about a simple post of photos from our road trip to Indiana and southwestern Michigan that ended today just to put a little bow on the weekend?


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