
This was Nate’s and my day today… FanExpo Chicago!


We only went to a single day and we were in line for signatures the entire five hours. But, we slapped high fives with Matthew Lillard of Scream, Scooby-Doo, and Five Nights at Freddy’s fame…


…and Nate got his Ghostface Funko POP signed by Lillard and Scream costars Jamie Kennedy and Skeet Ulrich.


Better yet? All three were absolute sweethearts to a kid who was nearly having anxiety attacks about meeting some of his favorite actors. They shook his hand, gave him knucks, signed, answered questions, and Lillard even hugged him and signed an extra photo for him for free.

Not a cheap day and not one where I got to check out anything (so we’ll have to rethink logistics later), but he was a happy boy. Really happy boy. 

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Aug 15
Start the countdown, folks! One week until Nate starts middle school! He says he’s not ready. I don’t think Katie and I are, either.
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Looks like you had a great time!!


Minus the standing around in line part.

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