
It may be time to retire the old Fitbit.

No, it hasn’t died. And for many years, I’ve been saying that would be the ultimate determiner of me jumping ship from the service. In fact, it works just fine.

On the device, that is.

The problem is the app to which my Fitbit syncs on my iPhone. I cannot get logged in to at all.

You see, some time ago, Google bought Fitbit. That should have been the first sign of impending doom. More recently, Google has been pushing users to sync their accounts from older devices to their Google accounts. Not just Fitbit but Nest and many others.

I’ve been pushing back against doing that for months if not years. It seems that Google is forcing the issue now as when I tried to open the app tonight, it gave me no choice. So I punched in my login creds and the app has been hung up on this animated image for a half hour now, at least.


This means I cannot see any of my activity before today. I have no data at all. So while my Fitbit device is great within the active calendar day period, outside of that, it’s useless. And, apparently, so is the app.

Remember when Google was a good company that cared and tried to make the world a better place? No, I don’t anymore either. 

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Aug 23
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Unfit 2…

Aug 25
And now I know why my Fitbit/iPhone sync isn’t working… Google is killing off the physical Fitbit devices in favor of supporting their own Pixel watches. But they’re keeping the Fitbit brand alive (for now). That’s typical. Stupid freaking Google.


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