
It was a brief blip of time when Nathan and Katie wore the same size shoes. The time when they shared a sweatshirt size had already passed a while ago but the shoes arrived last year.

We blinked and it was gone and Katie got no lightly worn shoes to show for it.

Now he’s caught up with me, mostly. We ordered him a pair of shoes that match the size I wear in them.


Admittedly, they’re actually a little small on me but that’s because Hey Dude shoes only come in whole number sizes. So while one of my feet is good, the other is a little snug. But if I went up in size to accommodate the snug one, the other foot would swim.

In other words, when Nate’s feet go up another size, I’ll be perfect and maybe be able to inherit something lightly used. Ha! Teenage boy… “lightly used”… riiiiighhhhttt.

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