
So I’m now an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church.


There must be a story behind this ordination, isn’t there? You might ask.

Why, yes. Yes there is. I’d reply. Allow me to share.

I was asked to officiate a wedding this Saturday by one of my wife's coworkers. It was a weird ask but it was because Katie thought I was already registered with the Universal Life Church (I wasn't, but am now). The reason this is so last second is because the bride to be, who is Latinx, realizes that it would be the one day for the next year that her ENTIRE family would be present... living and dead... because Saturday is Dia de los Muertos... so long as they don't forget a picture on the ofrenda.

So, yeah, I'm now ULC ordained and I've checked to make sure that I don't need to be registered with either the state or county (I do not). Since my Spanish is 20 years out of use, they're going to prepare a sheet for me to hide inside a Bible that I can read because reading in Spanish is not a problem for me.

This whole thing likely will not happen, but I'm prepared!

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That's cool! Maybe on our 55th next year, you can renew our vows?!

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