K7: Audio '24...
I wasn't sure if I would actually get around to doing these lists this year. Half the month passed before I realized it and then it was a matter of steeling up the willpower to do it. I'm gonna try! And I'm starting with my K7: Audio list.
To be honest, this is a very fluid list this go-round. I don't really have a truly stand-out album because all seven of these are really great and worth a listen. I wonder if I should just list them without numbering. Hmmmm...
Alkaline Trio - Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs
New content from AT is ALWAYS welcome in my head holes. I was really bummed by Blink-182’s unceremonious dumping of vocalist Matt Skiba to allow for the return of founding member Tom DeLonge. But whatever. The lineup change allowed a full-time return of Skiba to Alkaline Trio, where he belongs. Especially if the band keeps releasing music like Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs. And I will always appreciate a band that uses an Oxford comma in their album title. Kudos!
STRFKR - Parallel Realms
I’ve been a fan of STRFKR for several years and they release new content in a very low-key manner. Somehow, I’ve always managed to stay on top of the releases and am never disappointed. In addition to great music, I love their album art. I can stare at it for hours and always discover something new.
Dua Lipa - Radical Optimism
It’s kinda funny because I’ve always liked Dua Lipa’s music but it was only recently that I learned she had only released a single album prior to this one and this follow up was something like seven years in the making. So I was pretty excited about this release and it doesn’t disappoint. There are some very upbeat tracks that helped me get through a lot of workouts… when I was actively gym ratting. Maybe this can get me back there.
Jerry Cantrell - I Want Blood
While missing the beautiful two-part harmonies of Alice In Chains circa Layne Staley, I will listen to anything released by any of their band members. And, ohmigod, is this worth every second spent listening. Cantrell is so amazing on all fronts. The snarling vocals and guitars make my heart happy.
Laura Jean Grace - Hole In My Head
The best Iggy Pop album never released by Iggy Pop, the latest release by Laura Jean Grace is some of the most solid late 70s soaked punk music I’ve heard in a long time. It’s so much fun to hear that it’s a shame its release didn’t get more exposure. Or maybe I just don’t read enough music publications anymore.
Nada Surf - Moon Mirror
I thought Nada Surf was done years ago. I truly cannot remember the last time I heard a new album from them. I actually missed all announcements about this release, too, but it turned up in a follow-up playlist for something else I happened to be listening to on Spotify and that was my reintroduction. So good.
Lenny Kravitz - Blue Electric Light
I realized something this year… I have not actively listened to non-Are You Gonna Go My Way music from Lenny Kravitz since, well, the release of the follow up to Are You Gonna Go My Way. Honestly, the radio releases from every subsequent album did very little for me. And, yet, I still considered myself a fan. So, for whatever reason, I checked out this new album and I loved it! A solid mix of his rock and funk and soul influences that kept me longing for each new track as it played.
What's been on repeat on your phone or computer?
Low-key is right! I had absolutely no idea that we got new STRFKR in 2024!
Posted by: Dave2 | Friday, 27 December 2024 at 06:43 PM
I didn’t know you were a fan.
Posted by: kapgar | Friday, 27 December 2024 at 07:10 PM
PACNW represent! They're out of Portland (left coast version) and we have to be fans here!
Posted by: Dave2 | Friday, 27 December 2024 at 07:15 PM
I had no idea it was a rule.
Posted by: kapgar | Friday, 27 December 2024 at 08:02 PM
The cool part about others music lists is we get to explore more. Like Lenny Kravitz. I totally forgot he had a new album this year.
And I was very happily surprised to see what album we shared on our respective lists. Jerry Cantrell Is amazing and this 4th album was so good.
FWIW, I thought the album we were going to share was The Cure.
Posted by: Marty Mankins | Saturday, 28 December 2024 at 10:16 AM
And here I figured you thought it was Pearl Jam.
Posted by: kapgar | Saturday, 28 December 2024 at 12:04 PM
Pearl Jam was my next guess.
Posted by: Marty Mankins | Sunday, 29 December 2024 at 12:28 PM
A solid guess it would’ve been. Alas…
Posted by: kapgar | Sunday, 29 December 2024 at 02:39 PM