I’m curious… for those of you who have devices with biometric login capabilities, be they fingerprint or eyescan, do you use that functionality?
I was thinking about this because I recently discovered that my wife, who has the same iPhone as me and more or less has for several years, does not use biometric at all. Whether it be to unlock her phone or login to apps.
It got me thinking that if something were to happen to me, her need to access my phone or data on it would be dramatically hindered by biometric login.
I know that you can opt to use a passcode but it generally requires waiting an extra second or two before the system recognizes that biometric isn’t working. And that “extra second or two” can add up to massive frustration when you’re logging into app after app after app or the phone times out and locks up. Plus, this also requires that each and every app is properly coded with the passcode fallback as they should be. And we all know that not all apps are the same level of coding quality.
This has all made me wonder if I should turn off biometric login for my phone and apps. I also wonder if it’s as easy as just turning it off in my phone or do I need to do it in each app. Does it need to be done in a certain order so that if I forget an app and turn it off on my phone, will it screw up shutting it down on the app?
I’m sure I’m way overthinking this.
I use it everywhere it's available. Apps, websites, everywhere. But I don't have anybody who will be needing to access my stuff after I'm gone, so it's not something I have to worry about!
Posted by: Dave2 | Sunday, 19 January 2025 at 07:11 PM
Apparently they have the ability to set a Legacy Contact who will be able to access your data. Gotta look into setting that up.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 20 January 2025 at 09:41 AM