
Has anyone else out there gone from owning a FitBit to owning an Apple Watch? If yes, I’d be interested in learning if you’ve experienced this.

Back as a FitBit owner, I regularly had to clean the physical device. Not just for hygiene reasons like you would clean anything that you handle multiple times daily, but because it actually looked like it needed it. Desperately.

I’d take off my FitBit and flip it over and there’d be crud crusted around the back edges and on the sensor where it was in constant contact with my wrist. Sometimes I’d need to scrape it off with a sharp edge because it was shoved so far down in the crevices of the device. I’d do this regularly. Out of necessity.

Last night, I was thinking about that and realized I hadn’t done it yet with my Apple Watch, so I took it off my wrist and flipped it over. It was perfectly clean. No signs of gunk or grime at all and I’ve had this thing, what, four or five months now?


I still cleaned it. But, once clean, it didn’t look any different than before I did it. 

Is there some kind of skin reactivity to something on a FitBit that causes this that is not present on an Apple Watch? This is just weird. 

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