Snippets 2025.01

I’m starting early this year with the Snippets! Bring ‘em!


I received this notification from Teriyaki Madness and it made me laugh. Dark humor + marketing = happy me.



Leave it to Nate to find these at Walmart. Actually he didn’t find them like they were some kind of accidental discovery, he knew they’d be there. He sought them out.



Nate and I went to our favorite comic book shop and they had this 42-year-old vintage Buzz Off figure from the Masters of the Universe line! No accessories but he’s still amazing looking and dang cheap. The owner even knocked more off because he knows Nate and me.


Mr. The Hawk

I’m not sure I’ve ever mentioned this here before but one of my all-time favorite campy cult classic films is Hudson Hawk. Totally dumb film about a cat burglar (Bruce Willis) and his partner (Danny Aiello) who get tricked into pulling a job for a crime family. It’s awful and I love it. My brother and I watched this so much as teenagers. And it’s only $5 in digital copy on Vudu/Fandango@Home right now. You’re welcome.



We’re watching rewatching the first two Harry Potter films right now and realizing that we somehow stumbled upon director’s cuts of each film. They’re chock full of scenes we’ve never, er, seen before. Kinda fun!


Talk atcha soon!

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Jan 10
I was digging through Nate’s backpack tonight trying to find the charger for his laptop and found a bunch of paperwork crushed up in the bottom. Amongst that paperwork was a small, sealed, manilla envelope with a label that read...
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Jan 12
As the NFL post season comes to a close in the next few weeks, I’ve reviewed my attention span as it relates to football this past season. I don’t much like what I’m seeing. Let me explain. I’m a sports...


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