What is this? Are you kicking field goals in your living room, Kevin? Are you planning on cutting through the wall and creating a pass through to your neighbor’s unit?
None of the above!
We actually placed painter’s tape on the wall where our current TV is mounted to see how the dimensions of a new TV would work out given the space we have on the wall.
Yeah, BIG upgrade. From a 42” plasma to a 75” 4K UHD LCD LED ABC 123 Sony Bravia.
It’s time. Our plasma, as much as I love it, is one month shy of 18 years old. While the picture is still insanely good given the age, the sound card is starting to crap out. At least I think it’s the sound card. Every so often, the volume spikes or drops out and we have to hit the 10-second flash rewind button on our Roku remote to soft restart it. It could be argued that it’s the speakers on the TV futzing out but the same thing happens when we use the sound bar so it’s gotta be something with where the audio outputs connect to the speakers, be they built in or external. Hence my sound card theory.
We actually went out to buy it today only to discover that the TV won’t fit in our Rogue at all. So we have to order it and have it delivered. Maybe we’ll have it by this weekend.
Cross your fingers.
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