by kapgar
A week or so ago, as part of our house purge, Katie and I were going through an old drawer of photos, greeting cards, and memorabilia from our vacations. Oddly enough, I found a scrap of paper amongst all the stuff with some of my handwriting on it in the form of poems.
Continue reading "Gaze..." »
by kapgar
In celebration of the last three Friday the 13ths, I’ve run a personal toy photography challenge wherein I use a Jason Voorhees toy of some sort in a series of photos for the Monday thru Friday leading up to the 13th.
Continue reading "13th…" »
by kapgar
Furrball can’t decide
Reps or Dems or Reps or Dems.
We need a third choice.
Continue reading "Vote…" »
by kapgar
Nathan swears it’s me
but I just cannot see it.
Too much hair up there.
Continue reading "Mirror…" »
by kapgar
A skyline so bold
exaggerated slightly.
These aren't drawn to scale.
Continue reading "Towering…" »
by kapgar
About four years ago, I was penciling little sketches and posting them here with haiku accompaniment.
Continue reading "Ego…" »
by kapgar
Happy National Haiku Poetry Day!
Today also doubles as the day when Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced that the 2019-2020 school year is officially over as we know it. Illinois students will not be going back to their school at all for the remainder of this academic year.
Continue reading "QuaranKus..." »
by kapgar
I broke out a Moleskine notebook I’ve had for a few years now. Katie bought it for me because it’s LEGO themed and she knew I needed a new one as I’d filled my previous three Moleskines almost to the gills.
Continue reading "Runners..." »
by kapgar
Why is Donald Trump
trying so hard to destroy
the world that we love?
Continue reading "Iran..." »
by kapgar
As I have nothing else to write about and am still in the midst of watching Stranger Things 2 (I’m on episode 6), how about some Hawkins Haikus, inspired by our favorite Indiana horror trope?
Continue reading "Hawkins Haikus..." »
by kapgar
To enrich his sound,
Star got a Seahorse and sax.
A drummer is next.
Continue reading "Horse..." »
by kapgar
Once, a lone sea star
Picked up a Gibson guitar.
And rocked. How he rocked.
Continue reading "Star..." »
by kapgar
How about some holiday haikus for Valentine's Day?
Continue reading "V-Day Haikus..." »
by kapgar
I think I'm going to follow Claire's lead this year and start my own haiku tradition on Thanksgiving. Fun!
Continue reading "Turkey Day Haikus I..." »
by kapgar
I am officially two Story Sundays behind my weekly schedule.
Continue reading "Flash..." »
by kapgar
CHICAGOLAND, IL -- A filtration system broke down at 9:30 Friday morning at Li'l Swimmers Pool spilling chlorine into the pool area with swimmers present.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.21..." »
by kapgar
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.20..." »
by kapgar
La la lalala la, sing a happy song!
La la lalala la, sing it all day long!
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2014.19..." »
by kapgar
[Author's note: Once again, sorry this is late. It's Story Sun, er, Thursday!]
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.18..." »
by kapgar
Do you remember how the reveal of every episode of Scooby Doo went? The captured felon would state something along the lines of "I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids."
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.17..." »
by kapgar
I played guitar. Once. For ten years. A one-time ten-year span.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.16..." »
by kapgar
My Cleanse is done. Seven God-awful days of water with lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and honey.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.15..." »
by kapgar
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.14..." »
by kapgar
"Honey, I need to tell you something and I want you to listen to me carefully.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.13..." »
by kapgar
"What's wrong?" she asked. "You haven't been yourself all day. In fact, you've been a little off all week."
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.12..." »
by kapgar
[Author's note: I helped my FiL buy an iPad at the Apple Store in Woodfield Mall today. No, I didn't buy anything. Sob.]
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.11..." »
by kapgar
[Author's note: I'm going inhuman this week. Any of you who follow my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Flickr accounts likely know what I'm talking about. It is, after all, still a candid, stolen-moment image.]
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.10..." »
by kapgar
[Author's note: I know I said all my pictures in Story Sunday would be candids and that the subject would ideally not realize they are being photographed. But, yesterday, I went to my first comic con and I wanted to use that as the subject. I'd also read that cosplayers don't mind being photographed so long as you're up-front with them. So I asked and he was cool with it. Not candid, but definitely cool.]
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.09..." »
by kapgar
I apologize in advance if this one disturbs any of you. This was not an easy one to write.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.08..." »
by kapgar
swish swish *SMACK* *CLANG* swish swish
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.07..." »
by kapgar
[Author's notes: This story is not a reflection of my feelings having seen Disney on Ice: Frozen. We had a good time even if Nathan was a little antsy. it was a well-done show. Thanks for the tickets, bro. Also, I'm sorry the photo is so blurry. I'm still not comfortable taking shots of people who have zero expectation of having their photo taken. I'll get better. ]
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.06..." »
by kapgar
These are actual runners from the Geneva Park District's fifth annual Super Shuffle 5K that I took part in this morning. As a note, we had very little snow on the ground prior to 7 p.m. on Saturday. We got eight inches overnight prior to the race. It was still snowing throughout the morning.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2014.05..." »
by kapgar
I'm a nice guy. Really, I am. You'd have to be to invest such a large amount of money into a limo and then give up a significant chunk of your life to drive people from point A to point B. Most of them are pretty nice, too. They know that I'm doing them a favor; making their lives easier but not subjecting them to the horrors of driving on the expressway and finding and paying for parking.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.04..." »
by kapgar
soar /sôr/ verb - fly or rise high in the air.
"the bird spread its wings and soared into the air"
synonyms: fly, wing, ascend, climb, rise;
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.03..." »
by kapgar
I'm calling this one "A Tale of Two Personalities" as it's being presented from two points of view. One will be in bold face and left justified, the other will be italicized and right justified. I really couldn't think of a better way to do it.
Continue reading "Story Sunday 2015.02..." »