A power outage due to a really bad storm or an accident or something tangible is one thing.
A power outage due to a really bad storm or an accident or something tangible is one thing.
For the first time ever, all three of us here filled out an NCAA men’s basketball bracket.
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My nextdoor neighbor had her car towed today from her driveway… for a flat tire…
The hole in the ceiling is bigger.
And we’re out $746.
In anticipation of the plumber coming in to check out the leak in our utility closet, I decided to do some cleaning of the house. But since I was also working, I had to implement what I call “firecleaning.”
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It’s always fun to discover that you have a leaky pipe in your house causing damage to lord only knows what.
On a previous post, I shared the 1980s Decades puzzle we recently finished. In the comments, Marty mentioned, “That yellow Sony Walkman looks a lot like the one you have.”
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I have now surpassed nine months soda free.
I know CeraVe is kind of a big deal in the skin care industry. I’ve seen their products on shelves, I’ve seen ads, and whatnot else. But once they got in bed with that creepy healthy skin lusting Michael Cera (C’mon! Ya gotta admit it really is a whole lotta Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs going on there), I swore, “Never again!”
Each night, before I am to show up for jury duty, I’m supposed to call a number and see if they need. Each night.
This puzzle took us a bit longer than the first. I don’t think we were as into it as the 90s one.
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After getting snow in the second half of last week, a mere five days later, it’s 72°F outside and I’m wearing shorts.
This winter has been weird. We got some snow back in November that seemed to bode well for potentially having at least a moderately snowy winter. But then nothing until January when we got hammered with six inches over two nights. And then nothing again.
I was shaving my head this morning using a brand new blade and something happened that hasn’t happened in about 15 years… I tore a scrap of skin off my head.
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New puzzle alert! The 1980s!
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I’ve been listening to Did I Ever Tell You This?, a memoir by Sam Neill, the actor behind Dr. Alan Grant from Jurassic Park and Cpt. Borodin from The Hunt for Red October, two of my all-time favorite movies.
I’m dedicating this post to the love of my life, Katie, as today is her birthday. Not gonna say which as I enjoy breathing. We’ll call it a random anniversary of her 25th birthday. That should do just fine.
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It’s done!
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Heartbreak on Valentine’s Day! is what the media outlet headlines would read right now if I were in charge! Why? Because one of my favorite pairs of jeans has gone… holey!!
New puzzle, folks! The 90s!
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This could be interesting. Katie just made herself a cup of hot chocolate using our Keurig maker and I’m fairly certain she didn’t remove my reusable coffee pod.
So not only am I required to do jury duty, but they send me a survey along with my summons on which I have to pay postage to send it back??
Today marks eight months since I’ve had a soda.
Aside from my lingering cough, we’re all good and have been for about 24 hours now. Yay!
So how do Nathan and I spend our Boy’s Day while Katie I at work on a weekend?
Apparently you can overload a breadmaker.
On many Thursdays, we use a breadmaker to mix and cure a recipe to mix dough for pizza crust to be used on Fridays for our family pizza night.
It’s become very easy to tell when Katie is about to head home from work this winter. How?
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There’s nothing quite like a -13°F with wind chill day to make you want to stay inside… and do a project around the house.
My god! All the noises our house is making right now due to the extreme cold outside, you’d swear it’s going to fall apart with us inside.
For once, they weren’t lying about the snow…
Okay, so we were a few days late to the game with going to see the holiday lights at Brookfield Zoo this year. But we went and we clearly were not the only ones going after Christmas was over. It was jammed!
That’s puzzle number three done.
…Dungeons… and more dungeons!!
Tonight, Nathan and I joined my brother, his elder daughter (a year older than Nate) and two of my brother’s old friends for a quick Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
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Of course I say all that yesterday about a lack of cards and, today, we receive about eight more.