Snippets 2025.01
I’m starting early this year with the Snippets! Bring ‘em!
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I’m starting early this year with the Snippets! Bring ‘em!
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I’m throwing down some Snippets tonight because it’s late and I’m tired. Deal with it.
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Hittin’ y’all up with some more Snippets this fine day!
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Wow! Two Snippet posts in a row??? What’s wrong with me you ask? Everything. Take your pick.
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It’s a nice day for a bunch of Snippets. It’s a nice day to start again!!!
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Snippets? Me? I haven’t done one of these since December 2022 and I know I’m gonna regret doing this instead of splitting it up into multiple posts to cover my lazy butt down the line. But let’s see how it goes anyway, shall we?
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How about a few quick Snippets before the clock hits midnight?
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Wow! It only took me 8.5 months to finally post some Snippets in 2022. Heh heh. I probably did a bunch as TILs. Oh well. Here you go!
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These are a bunch of images I've collected over the last few days that I thought I would share. Enjoy!
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I almost titled this post "Snippets 2021.01" because I thought it had been so long since I wrote one that this was going to be my first of the year. In October. Yikes! But, even so, given how I used to do these weekly (remember "Snippet Wednesday" anyone?), the fact that this is only my third such post of the year is pretty amazing.
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I don't have anything of great consequence to say at the moment, so might I regale you with some Snippets?
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Man, I really don’t do Snippet posts anymore do I? First one this year and the first since last April. Only two in 2020, four in 2019, seven in 2018. I haven’t done this regularly since 2014. Yikes!
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It’s only been, what, like three months? Sounds like a good time for some list-clearing Snippets!
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What do you do when you have a bunch of really cool news about music that you wanna share? Save them for Tuesday and post your first-ever Tu(n)esday Snippets!!
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If there's one thing you certainly can argue, it's that I'm definitely not overusing the Snippets concept in 2019. It's mid-October and only my third Snippet post of the year? Sheesh. And I used to post Snippets nearly weekly back in the day.
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Wanna know something I haven't done in just a hair more than four months and have only done once so far this year? SNIPPETS!! So let's get some! Ripped from the headlines!
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So many ideas for posts but with so little to say about each. What’s that equal? SNIPPETS!
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Some more gosh-dang Snippet splendiferousness for you this fine Friday... if you're cool with that. If not, I got nothin'.
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I really wish I had more to talk about, but all I’ve got for you at the moment is a Snippet post about the entertainment that’s moving me lately.
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I gots a lot for y'all today. Pop some popcorn, grab a beverage of choice, sit back, and settle in!
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Welcome to Saturday Snippets.
This post is what happens when you have notes jotted down for a bunch of different long-form post ideas and then, days later, cannot remember all that you had hoped to say and, instead of just deleting the notes, you write a lot less about them. Enjoy!
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Wow! No Snippets since February?? Remember back when I did Snippets practically every Wednesday? Those were the days. Let's travel that road again, shall we?
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My mind is a bit scattered right now after a busy day at work and having just finished a workout. So how about some Snippets?
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Time for my first installment of Snippety goodness for 2018. And it’s on a Wednesday, just like the old days. Buckle up! Hunker down! Step aside!
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Pocket Snippets? What? Who? I've never heard of such a thing!
Pocket is an app I've been using for years to store articles I see online for reading later on when I have more time. The app also stores them for offline reading if you don't have a connection. It's a great app because it also has a button in the Share menu on my iPhone as well as a Chrome Extension for use anytime I visit a site and want to save it but that doesn't warrant a bookmark.
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How about some Holiday Snippets to herald in your Thanksgiving?
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I don’t know why, but I decided to do some Snippets just for Halloween! No, they won’t all be holiday themed. Maybe a few. Not all. We’ll see.
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I’m about to head in to see the Kingsman: The Golden Circle but didn’t want to leave you hanging without a blog post. So how about a Snippet featuring a bunch of cool things I’ve been watching on YouTube recently? You down?
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Welcome to another 2017 edition of Snippets!!
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I'm changing the format of Snippets around these parts. They will no longer be relegated to the traditional Wednesday as they've always been. That way I don't have to feel weird about posting on a Friday or Sunday, like I am right now.
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Because, yanno, why not?
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Snippets? Me? Why that hasn't happened in... Years. Literally.
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So much going through my head right now. And all so very politically motivated. How am I to organize it all so it doesn't derail mid-post? With a (potentially) one-time return of... SNIPPET WEDNESDAY!!!
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Marty is making a liar of me. Yesterday, he called me "speed demon" regarding my blog posting rate of late. I told him it was because I was forgoing Snippet Wednesdays in favor of individual posts for topics so that I could get myself back up above a 50% posting rate this month (to that point, I'd only posted four times in 19 days). So what am I doing today? Posting a Snippet Wednesday. It wasn't supposed to be. But it has become one. Oy.
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Hi, I'm Kappy, and I'm a blogger. Got these ideas here in my head. I'm writin' and postin' and makin' friends. Some say I'm best in the midwest [ed. note: there is no validity to this claim]. Singin' yippie-ai-yo-kai-yay. It's Kapgar's Snippet Wednesday! Yippie-ai-yo-kai-yay. Saddle up and take it in. Learn what it means to be unhinged on Snip-pet Wednes-day!!!!
(with apologies to the creators of Sheriff Callie's Wild West)
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