
Pocket Snippets...

Pocket Snippets? What? Who? I've never heard of such a thing!

Pocket is an app I've been using for years to store articles I see online for reading later on when I have more time. The app also stores them for offline reading if you don't have a connection. It's a great app because it also has a button in the Share menu on my iPhone as well as a Chrome Extension for use anytime I visit a site and want to save it but that doesn't warrant a bookmark.

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Snippet Wednesday...

Marty is making a liar of me. Yesterday, he called me "speed demon" regarding my blog posting rate of late. I told him it was because I was forgoing Snippet Wednesdays in favor of individual posts for topics so that I could get myself back up above a 50% posting rate this month (to that point, I'd only posted four times in 19 days). So what am I doing today? Posting a Snippet Wednesday. It wasn't supposed to be. But it has become one. Oy.

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Snippet Wednesday...

Hi, I'm Kappy, and I'm a blogger. Got these ideas here in my head. I'm writin' and postin' and makin' friends. Some say I'm best in the midwest [ed. note: there is no validity to this claim]. Singin' yippie-ai-yo-kai-yay. It's Kapgar's Snippet Wednesday! Yippie-ai-yo-kai-yay. Saddle up and take it in. Learn what it means to be unhinged on Snip-pet Wednes-day!!!!

(with apologies to the creators of Sheriff Callie's Wild West)

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