Year in Review

K7: Audio ‘23…

One week into 2024 and I present to you Kevin’s 7: Audio ’23. This is never an easy list for me because I listen to so much music during the year and then I get tired of some of it and others move in only to be replaced or jumbled up again when I give my top albums a final listen or two at the end of the year. I make this so much harder than it needs to be.

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K7: Words '21...

On with the second installment of Kevin's 7 year-end awards for 2021... Words '21! This one, as discussed earlier, will focus on any multimedia content that is traditionally accepted to be based on print... books, comics, and audiobooks. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter that they are being consumed via printed matter, tablet, or audiobook reader.

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Kevin's 7: Comics '19...

My second Kevin's 7 list of 2019 is nigh! And it be all about the funny picture books we all love so much. Much like last year, I had a lot of fun just reading graphic novels and collected editions of comics. In fact, I really didn't read any individual comic books at all. I just wait until a collection is available and then go to town on anywhere from 4 to 7 issues in one fell swoop. It really is the best way to go... until you have to wait another 4 to 7 months to continue the story. C'est la vie.

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